DPM 2016 unexpected error and VSS error
About a week ago another person in our IT department installed KB3211320 (Update for Windows Server 2016 for x64-based...
How To replace S2D Cache device from SSD to NVME
A friend of mine asked me about this a while ago, as he had setup his S2D cluster...
Bug in KB3206632 for StoragePool for DPM with Modern Backup Storage
After System Center 2016 came out i went straight on to setting up DPM 2016 with Modern Backup...
How to replace a NVME Caching device on a Storage Spaces Direct Cluster
After my initial failure of replacing a NVME Caching card and hitting a bug in the 2016 version...
Azure Server Management Tools Preview and adding more servers
Now this is a cool new feature Microsoft has come up with. It allows you to mange your...
Troubleshooting Storage Spaces Direct
Over the last few weeks we have been having some issues with our Storage Spaces Direct test/dev cluster....
Troubleshooting failed VirtualDisk on a Storage Spaces Direct Cluster
In this guide i will explain what you can do to fix a failed virtualdisk in a Failover...
Troubleshooting performance issues on your windows storage. Storage Spaces Direct
In this guide i will give you a quick overview on how to troubleshoot your Storage Spaces, like...
Our ebay development S2D cluster
During this summer i decided i wanted to test out Storage Spaces Direct. TP5 was out and i...
How replacing a NVME card on a S2D cluster caused me alot of hedache
A week ago i replaced a NVME card on our development Storage Spaces Direct cluster. This did not...