Right before Christmas i was deploying 4 Azure Local clusters. When deploying the 4th cluster it would not go past the 2nd Validation step before deploying the cluster from Azure.
This is a now a known issue and i was probably the first one to get this as i deployed an identical cluster the day before. A new version of the LCM extension has been published that fixes this.

And it was giving me this error msg
Could not complete the operation. 200: OperationTimeout , No updates received from device for operation: [providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/locations/WESTEUROPE/operationStatuses/159400e9-649e-44a9-a785-e57e2f6f9e98*BE4821B332328C550E56D3D7EDB73E385025D9536593C681F501CED142C3700E?api-version=2024-09-01-preview] beyond timeout of [600000] ms
Trying to troubleshoot this issue resulted in no results on the world wide web. Support was not able to figure out what it was and as a MVP i contacted the Program Managers.
After some troubleshooting and sending Diagnostic data to Microsoft with the powershell command
This sends data for the last hour, there are parameters to choose from date and how many hours.
After the review of the logs it was failing on date format. As there had been a new LCM extension rolled out between my 3rd and 4th cluster deployment, there was introduced a bug into the LCM Extension that did not like International Date format, as i install EN US OS version, but with Norwegian keyboard and date format.
So the solution was to run this powershell script to set date format to EN US
$User = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('NT Authority\System')
$sid = $User.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value
Set-Itemproperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS\${sid}\Control Panel\International\" -name sLongDate -value "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy"
Set-Itemproperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS\${sid}\Control Panel\International\" -name sShortDate -value "M/d/yyyy"
get-service LcmController | restart-service
The other option is to just deploy the OS with Default English settings
Link to Github repo for known issues