Another update failure i was facing during the prev posts issues. After the Health Check was ok, running trough the wizard would fail with a failed patch run.
And Get-SolutionUpdate powershell command would come back with a GatewayTimeout

We could use TNC to connect to the interface but a Curl command would fail as well.
Due to lack in logs and a good error reporting again we needed to send Diagnostic data back to support to figure out what was going on. The next day i was told that the ECE Solutions update could not reach the HPE SBE extension download URL

It was trying to reach
So when running the Get-SolutionUpdate powershell command it was trying to contact the two places to get updates from. MS and HPE. This was the first time i had seen that SBE was available for HPE so of course the firewall was not opened for that URL.
The Error msg was to me indicating an issue with the ECE solution which is the Orchestrator service running on the cluster.
I hope this will help some of you facing the same issues. The Gateway timeout is related to the update service not being able to contact an URL. And the SBE extension URL’s for the vendors is not listed as a firewall rule needed to be opened.