Hello All
Almost 2 weeks ago our backups stopped working totally. It would just stand still and eventually fail. Today i was informed that this might be a windows defender bug with DPM. And i can confirm it is. Working with MS Support on a permanent fix for this issue.
I initially thought it was a Database bug. But it’s defender.

If one open up Performance Monitor it will hang for a long time. Like this

How to disable Windows Defender the Right Way
So i tried to disable defender by going in to Windows Settings | Windows Defender and turn off it there. But that did not work. What i had to do was go in to local group policy editor and go to
Computer Configuration | Administrative Template | Windows Components | Windows Defender
And then Turn off Windows Defender.

Now you will se your backups working again.
Hello, Did you know how the Private fix is called?
Thank for you help.
Im afraid i have not gotten a reply back from MS support on that as of now. And i have not turned it on again on the backup server.
Will need to check that up.
thanks for providing this information on how to disable windows defender you trick works !!
Opened a ticket with MS 6-27. Read this on 7-7. Few minutes later it was syncing clients again. Spoke with the MS tech today and let them know this resolved. I was informed the official release will be in UR4, no release date currently, but they are releasing it as a “Private fix” if you meet the criteria for the bug.
Im awaiting the feedback with ms about this my self. Hopefully they will come with a private fix soon. Il need to enable defender again 🙂 Thanks for the update.
We are seeing this bug across multiple networks as well. Disabling Windows Defender fixes the issue