As i wrote about in my prev post about DPM 2019, a few day’s ago the System Center team posted a blog on the Windows Server blog post about the upcoming 2019 release this month.
For the VMM 2019 release there is quite a few new features, most of them related to Software Defined things like SDN and S2D. I will go trough the S2D bit’s and one new cool tenant feature that has been asked about alot.
If you plan to upgrade to 2019 when it comes out you need to be on VMM 1807 or 2016 UR6
So let’s look at the list of what’s new
- Migrate VMware UEFI VM’s to Hyper-V Gen 2
- Support for VMware Esxi 6.5 hosts
- Enhanced Console sessions, allow Cut, Copy and paste of text and files to Session.
- Upgrade Storage Spaces Direct clusters from 2016 to 2019
- Storage Health will now detect your unhealthy disks in VMM storage overview

- Dynamic Storage Optimization based on free space criteria that you specify. It will then move a Virtual Machine off the Cluster Shared Volume to the CSV that has the most free space. It can also move based on IOPS.

- Convert a Standard setSwitch to Logical Switch
- Support Static Mac adresses for VM’s deployed on a cloud
- Linux Shielded VM’s
- Enable disable Nested Virtualized Machines
- Change placement location of new disks in an existing Virtual Machine
- Fully automated patch managment of S2D clusters
- SDN Virtual Network Encryption Support
- SDN Configure SLB VIP’s trough VMM service Template
- SDN Configure Layer 3 Forwarding Gateway
- Display of LLDP information for network Devices
- Support for Group Managed Service Account as VMM Service account
- New RBAC Role, VM Administrator
Let’s have a look at the new VM Administrator Role
This new role was created to adress issues where a person with non Administrator roles could not troubleshoot any fabric related issues. The user has a read only access to the fabric resources like add storage, add hosts and so on. So let’s see what is the difference between the old self service user role, the Tenant Administrator and this new Virtual Machine Administrator
When compearing the Tenant Admin and the Self Service role, the Tenant Admin can Author VMNetworks as the only extra permission. As the Self Service User can Share and Recive resources with other Self Service Users.

Now if we look at the new Virtual Machine Administrator it has quite a few new permissions. First off you will notice that it suddenly have a Host group Permissions in the permission tab, as the user will be able to see hosts.

The second is that the user have access to alot of new things like
- Migrate Virtual Machines
- Migrate VM Storage
- Store and Redeploy VM’s to and from liberary
- Update VM Functional Level

But the fun part comes when you login as a Virtual Machine Administrator, you can see resources but you can’t do anything. Let’s say i accidentally delete a logical switch on a host.
Now it’s there

Oh and i could click on delete, but if you notice i only have Close as an option and not ok. So it mean i can’t do anything.

And look for alot of new Azure related integrations coming to VMM in the near future.

According to only Server 2016 and Server 2019 are listed as supported OS for Hyper-V hosts. I can understand the near-EOL Server 2008 (R2) isn’t supported anymore, but what about Server 2012 R2 as a Hyper-V parent OS?
That is correct, 2012 and 2012 R2 is not on the list im afraid 🙁 Im hoping 2012 R2 will come on it soon. As they have done so for DPM 2019. One need to complain about it. It might happen 🙂
Thanks for reading my blog.